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The newsletter of the SIE de Investigación y Enseñanza N. 42 - March/April 2012

NAG libraries

The latest set of NAG library implementations is now available to all IAC Linux users, after securing a site-wide, unlimited usage licence. For a detailed list of the specific Fortran and C/C++ libraries we have installed, and the compilers they work with, please check the webpage, where you can also find links to the User's Notes which explain how to compile your code and link it with the NAG library.

Shiny new "Formulario de compras"

A new, fully revamped "Formulario de compras" will be released next week. The new web form follows the prescriptions set by IAC Gestión, includes all type of purchases (not just computer hardware and software), and can (should) be used by all of the IAC's Departments (not just the Research Area as has been the case so far). After such major work, there could be still some rough edges in the application, so if you notice anything not working as expected or you would suggest some improvement, please let us know by sending an email to

Useful tools: WeTransfer, Screenleap

If you need to send a big file to a friend or collaborator, there are tools more straightforward than using the IAC's ftp area. While our experience with it has been occasional, we can suggest, which allows you to transfer, in a secure mode, files up to 2G in size (per transfer).
If you instead want to share a screen (for instance make your screen visible to a colleague, or view your colleague's screen), you can use, a browser-based facility which makes this possible in a couple of simple steps. It requires that you have Java and the Java plugin for your browser installed, but no additional software is needed.

Supercomputing Hall of Fame

We have updated the statistics on the usage of our Supercomputing facilities. In Diodo, our Beowulf cluster, about 111000 CPU hours have been used, a 32% of the total hours available. The LaPalma SuperComputer fared better, with jobs by IAC users occupying all the time available. Condor continues to be used intensively, with an average of 370 CPUs (out of about 520) claimed by Condor jobs. The details can be found in our forum: Diodo, Condor, LaPalma
SIE de Investigación y Enseñanza :: N. 42 - March/April 2012 - Contact: