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The newsletter of the SIE de Investigación y Enseñanza N. 23 - November/December 2007

New additions to the IAC Supercomputing family

The IAC Supercomputing resources' list keeps growing. The latest additions are two computers of a very different nature. rucio is our newest "burro", i.e. a machine with plenty of memory (16 GB of RAM), for those with small computational but big memory needs. LaPalma is, as you most probably already know, the 512 CPUs Supercomputer located at our CALP. But what are these good for? How do you use them? Just read on....

SIEminar: "Supercomputing resources at the IAC" - 4 December, 12:30

As mentioned above, the list of Supercomputing resources at the IAC is growing. OK, it is not immense, but there is certainly a variety of resources that you, as a researcher at the IAC, can make use of: the burros (machines with a lot of RAM); the Condor high throughput computing system; the distributed memory clusters (Chimera and LaPalma); the ULL shared memory cluster Tarja; and others, not yet in production, but whose deployment at the IAC will depend on future needs (for example, GPGPUs, BOINC, Grids, etc.). In this talk we will give you a summary of all these resources, what are they good for, how you can use them, etc. Don't miss it!

SIE's software courses/talks poll

One of the missions of the SIE de Investigación y Enseñanza is to organize talks and courses on software and programming topics. The courses given this year, such as "Introduction to PHP+MySQL" and "Advanced Programming and Parallel Computing", have raised quite some interest, and some people have already inquired about or suggested further courses on software packages such as IRAF or IDL, or programming languages (C/C++, F90, etc.), which we can try to organize provided there are enough people willing to attend. So, if you are interested in some of these courses, please speak up by filling in this very simple and quick form. We look forward to your answer! The results of the poll will be published in the next SIENews issue.

LIRISDR and other packages updates

The IRAF external package LIRISDR, developed here at the IAC, has been updated to version 2.7. The changes with respect to previous versions can be found by typing, whitin iraf: type lirisdr$relv2p7.txt. It is recommended to do an unlearn LIRISDR to avoid parameter conflicts with the older version. As LIRISDR is growing in popularity and usage, it has been promoted and placed among the top-level packages (those that are listed when you launch IRAF). Please report any questions or suggestions to Jose Acosta (). We have also updated the HEAsoft package to v6.3.2; Fv, the interactive FITS file editor, to v5.0, and the image display DS9 to v5.0.

Seminar by the SIC: "Massive Data Storage" (a.k.a. Data Storage, done the right way!) - 11 December, 12:30

Chances are that at some point you have lost some data due to hard disk failure. If this is the case you have learnt, the hard way, that storage media are not as reliable as we would like them to be. Data is one of the main assets of our "business", so you just cannot hope that your hard disk will be OK. Instead, you should be using professional-grade systems with high read/write speeds and with near-zero chances of data loss, which is precisely the type of system that we now have at the IAC. If you value your data, make sure you come to the Seminar that Antonio Díaz Chinea and Justo Luna López will be giving about it.
SIE de Investigación y Enseñanza :: N. 23 - November/December 2007 - Contact: