SIEminar: Work@Home 2 by Ángel de Vicente on
November 3rd, 12:30
Our first SIEminar on Working at Home took place a few years ago
and it was very successful, but we didn't deal with a couple of issues that
come up quite often for people who work at home regularly: how to start a program
at home or at the IAC and be able to later check on its progress (or continue
work where we left it) from another place, and how to transfer files to and
from the IAC network, or better still, work with those files as if they were
in our local disk. In this talk, we will show you two tools for each of these
needs (VNC, screen, FileZilla and sshfs), which can make your work at home
much more efficient and enjoyable.
Meow! The CAT has a brand new website
As part of our efforts to make the websites managed by the "Area de
Investigacion" in line with the most modern Web standards, and of streamlining
and easing the editing of their content, the
website has been rebuilt
from the ground up using Website Baker, the same tool used to develop websites
for conferences and research projects. The maintainer of the CAT website
will be especially happy, as now modifying its pages can be done directly
on the server (virtually from any browser and operating system), instead
of the cumbersome old way where pages were edited with Dreamweaver, copied
to rives (test server), then copied to the external Web server. The
Area Intranet has been rebuilt too following the same strategy. If you have
any comments or suggestions about the above websites, please send them to Thanks!
Linux: Introduction to the Command Line
One of the most important features of Linux (and Unix-like SOs) is the possibility
of doing almost everything from the command line (CL), which, while could be
regarded by some people as "geeky", is generally much faster and
more efficient than using applets or GUIs. Moreover, the vast array of CL commands
and the many ways of combining them with pipes, redirections, scripts etc.
make Linux even more powerful. Whether you are a Linux newbie and want to learn
some basic CL tools, or are a Linux expert and wish to refresh or expand your
CL skills, the
to the Command Line (Second Edition) PDF book
is a good starting point. This book "teaches the most important Unix and
Linux shell commands in a simple and straight forward manner. Command line
programs covered in this book are demonstrated with typical usage to aid in
the learning process and help you master the command line quickly and easily."
Cursor movement technology
Many things we now take for granted actually required a lot of work and ingenuity
to be developed and implemented. Take for instance the apparently trivial connection
between the mouse and the cursor on the screen: move the former, and the latter
follows in perfect accord. But how is this possible? The following Flash
demo, (turn
the sound up), will show you one of the earliest successful realizations of
linking mouse and cursor movements.