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The newsletter of the SIE de Investigación y Enseñanza N. 11 - September 2006

SIEminar: "Version Control: The Open Source secret", Wednesday 20 September at 12.30, by Maurizio Panniello

Back from the scorching summer we continue with our SIEminar series, this time with a refreshing talk by Maurizio Panniello on Version Control. He will show us some of the tools that we can use to easily keep track of different versions of our projects (either code or text) in a personal or a collaborative environment. The full abstract in Spanish can be found in the SIE's Talks and Courses Web page.

Customizing Perl by adding modules

If you use Perl at all, chances are that at some point you will like to add one of the hundreds of available modules for it. If you have a private installation, this is probably not an issue, but what about customizing the IAC-wide perl with your own favourite modules? In this new HOWTO of our SIEpedia we show you how to easily do it by installing modules to your home directory.

Angel is a monkey, albeit a distinguished one!

No offence intended, but Angel is a monkey, at least according to the editor of the ClusterMonkey on-line magazine. ClusterMonkey is, as far as we know, the only magazine devoted exclusively to clusters (a continuation to the paper-based Cluster World Magazine), and the recently published article by Angel entitled "Building A Virtual Cluster with Xen (Part One)" has gotten plenty of interest, at least measured by the "hits" received. So, it looks like he will continue monkeying around for some time...

Sunglasses recommended to visit our new shiny and sparkling webpages!

Recently some of the webpages we have been working on have gone live: the page to replace the old F ísica del Cosmos program, rebranded as the new Máster en Astrofísica, featuring style switching and an open-source Content Management System; the website of the Pathways Through an Eclectic Universe conference (celebrating John Beckman's 40 years of active research in astrophysics), which includes amongst other things automatic participant registration and abstract submission; and last but not least, the IAC Preprints Archive is now installed in the external IAC website, so the submitted preprints will be available from the external page (though only local users will be able to submit preprints, of course). As usual, any comments or suggestions about these web pages are welcome at .

Some Tips about RPM usage

The RedHat Package Manager (RPM) is a powerful command line driven package management system capable of installing, uninstalling, verifying, querying, and updating computer software packages. It is used by RedHat, Fedora and other Linux distros. While installing RPMs generally requires root privileges, as a regular user you can use rpm to check what packages and versions are installed in your desktop machine or laptop, or find out which RPM a specific file belongs to. Read our SIEpedia's RPM Tips for a quick description of basic rpm usage.
SIE de Investigación y Enseñanza :: N. 11 - September 2006 - Contact: