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The newsletter of the SIE de Investigación y Enseñanza N. 21 - September 2007

PHP+MySQL Introduction Course. 24-28 September

When building complex web applications, HTML soon shows its limitations, and it becomes necesary to use a server-side programming language in order to create dynamic pages, database queries, etc. PHP is the most popular web programming language, which, together with a MySQL database, allows us to build powerful online applications. The SIE is organizing an introductory course on building web pages with PHP and MySQL, from September 24 to 28. In this course we will learn how to create simple dynamic web pages and how to interact with a MySQL database; some HTML, CSS and internet knowledge is required. The number of participants is limited to 10-12; if you are interested, just reply to the post in the SIE's Forum: http://venus/SIE/forum/viewtopic.php?p=415#415.

Web Collaboration and Content Management Systems

Web collaboration tools are applications used to plan and organize working groups. They usually contain calendar events, address books, time sheets, task managers, etc. shared by the group members. Among the many options available, here at the IAC we have selected and installed egroupware. Content Management Systems (CMS) are used to build general-purpose websites. Here at the IAC we use both Website Baker, a simple but complete CMS with which we build and develop conference and workshop web pages, and Joomla, a powerful, features-loaded CMS for more complex sites such as the Helas IT platform and Consolider-Ingenio-GTC. For more details, please read our SIEpedia article.

Jump on the on-line education bandwagon with Moodle!

As you probably remember, last year the SIE installed Moodle (a very popular course management system that can help teachers to build quality on-line courses) in the IAC external server: A number of courses have already made use of the platform during the last year, and with the new academic year about to start it is now the time to remind you that creating a new account is as simple as getting in touch with us (). At the same time, perhaps you are not aware that there are hundreds of modules that can increase Moodle's functionality (, but if you would like to add any of these, please let us know as soon as possible, since we will not be able to install new modules once the classes begin.

Software updates plus change of IDL license servers

Back from holiday, you'll find many updated software packages, with bug fixes and expanded/improved functionalities: CFITSIO to v3.060; Eric3 to v3.9.5; g95 to v2007-08-28; HEAsoft to v6.3.1; LyX to v1.5.1; R to v2.5.1; Starlink to Puana release and GAIA to v.4.0.0; Swarp to v2.16.4; Telarchive to v1.3; Texmaker to v1.6; TOPCAT to v.3.1; Yacas to v1.1.8; WCSTools to v3.7.0
Also the following Python modules were updated: biggles to v1.6.5; iPython to v0.8.1; Numpy to; Pyrex to; PyTables to v2.0; SciPy to v0.5.2.1
Finally, please note that the IDL license servers have changed; while the old servers are still active, they will be shut down shortly. If you have a laptop or a desktop standalone machine with IDL mounted locally and using the floating licenses (NOT with a node-locked license), please get in touch with us as soon as possible to make the appropriate change to the IDL license file.

Travel tips: 10 ways to jump the queue at check-in

Have you ever found yourself rushing to the airport, with only a few minutes left before the check-in deadline, only to find huge lines at the check-in desks? And fearing you're going to miss the flight? In such cases, why not use some of these not very orthodox but quite effective tricks to jump the queue, suggested in the Alitalia website:
SIE de Investigación y Enseñanza :: N. 21 - September 2007 - Contact: