Presentation Supercomputing Zulip @ IAC SIEpedia IT News

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Description The remarkable science capabilities of the Chandra X-ray Observatory demanded new, flexible, multi-dimensional software to analyze the data it returned. The result is CIAO, a system that has proven itself useful for the analysis of data from other, non-X-ray missions, because of the mission independence that is the basis of the CIAO design.
Version installed Ubuntu 22.04: CIAO v4.16 (installed in April 2024).
Usage First define the following alias: the command prompt, type:
alias ciao="source /opt/SIE/heasoft/ciao-4.16/bin/ciao.bash"
Then simply type ciao, and CIAO will be setup and ready to use in that terminal window.
Upgrade Notes Changes and improvements in version 4.16 are described in What's New for CIAO.
Manuals and
Look at the Introduction to CIAO Tools and Applications page, and visit the Analysis Guides page.
SIE contact Nicola Caon – – tel: 5383 – office: 1.124
Additional Info