Presentation Supercomputing Zulip @ IAC SIEpedia IT News

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Description New and public photometric redshift code by Micol Bolzonella, Roser Pelló, Joan-Marc Miralles.
Version installed Ubuntu 22.04: 1.1 (installed in April 2023)
Usage Two commands are available:
hyperz   and   make_catalog

You may need to copy the configurations files, such as catalog.param, spectra.param, zphot.param over to your own work directory, and edit them to change the paths ro reflect the new location. The above files, as well as several others you may wish to inspect and/or modify, are in directory and subdirectories of: /opt/zphot/zphot-1.1/
Upgrade Notes N/A
Manuals and
Please consult the Zphot-Hyperz User's manual.
SIE contact Nicola Caon – – tel: 5383 – office: 1.124
Additional Info