Presentation Supercomputing Zulip @ IAC SIEpedia IT News

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Description Code that performs a variety of LTE line analysis and spectrum synthesis tasks. Its typical use is to assist in the determination of the chemical composition of a star.
Version installed Ubuntu 22.04: November 2019 (installed in March 2023).
Usage At the command prompt, type:
/opt/MOOG/moognov2019/MOOG     (or /opt/MOOG/moognov2019/MOOGSILENT  for the silent version)

Using MOOG requires that you have the Supermongo startup file .sm in your home.

Upgrade Notes  nbsp;
Manuals and
See the MOOG website for more information. Also available is a pdf file describing the code.
SIE contact Nicola Caon – – tel: 5383 – office: 1.124
Additional Info Strange errors with MOOG?
Sometimes MOOG will fail with messages like "driver not found" or other inexplicable errors, while the input files look perfectly fine. The problem may be due to extra characters, such as "^M", in the input files, usually invisible when you list the file or when you open it with emacs, nedit or another text editor. Such characters might be added when the file is sent by email, or perhaps copied by ftp.
If you experience such errors, use the command cat -t to list your files. If you see "^M" or similar control characters (usually at the end of each line), remove them with the command dos2unix filename, and try MOOG again.