Found 2 talks width keyword solar radio radiation

We divide this talk into two parts. In the first part, we will introduce the numerical codes we use, mainly in solar physics, to infer information about the solar atmosphere from spectro-polarimetric observations. In particular, we will present a new version that was recently developed (see Ruiz Cobo et al., 2022). In the second part of the talk, we will learn how we opted to bring the code to the public through online tutorials, and we will show where to find them (see the link below). Also, we will explain why we believe this new approach could be interesting for other research areas and give some tips in case someone is interested in trying the method.

A solar flare involves the conversion of magnetic energy stored in the coronal magnetic field into the kinetic energy of thermal and non-thermal particles, mass motion, and radiation. How this happens remains a central question in solar physics. A particular long-standing puzzle is how such a high fraction of the stored magnetic energy - up to a half - arrives in the kinetic energy of accelerated non-thermal particles. In this talk I will present an observational overview of solar flares with an emphasis on accelerated particles, discuss some ideas and constraints on particle acceleration, and present some new observations of the possible role of plasma turbulence in the acceleration process.
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