Seminarios de Instrumentación
The Gran Telescopio Canarias Adaptive Optics system: getting ready for the sky
The AO system of the 10-m class Gran Telescopio Canarias is in its final test phase in the lab at the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias. It has to successfully pass all the system tests to carry out the factory acceptance and be shipped to Roque de Los Muchachos Observatory (ORM) in 2021. Designed to be a facility, robustness and operability are two of its key characteristics. A series of calibrations are required and methodically run to achieve its ultimate performance.
I will detail in this talk the full characterization of the system, allowing to verify the compliance with the specifications and paving the way towards shipping the system to ORM.
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ID de reunión: 880 9703 7502
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