Research Division Seminar
Accretion onto Supermassive Black Holes, insights from JWST

Dr. Almudena Prieto
See the live streaming of this talk on Tuesday June 18, 12:30 GMT+1).


Black Holes are for most of their life in a dormant state, and yet, just a small amount of accreted mass would be needed for them to trigger the most luminous Quasars. We find however that there is plenty of matter ready to fall into the accretion disc in most galactic nuclei, why then are most of them fainter than expected?
I will discus the ubiquity of dust and molecular gas in the central parsec of galaxies. This dust and gas often form a nuclear spiral of filaments, which may slow down inflow towards the centre. Using multiwavelength, parsec-scale and JWST data collected by our group for low activity Black Holes I will show a first evidence for a cold Quasar-like accretion disc, and that the main channel of energy release in these sources is via jets.

About the talk

Accretion onto Supermassive Black Holes, insights from JWST
Dr. Almudena Prieto
Tuesday June 18, 2024 - 12:30 GMT+1  (Aula)
en     en
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