Planning the WHT future: the WEAVE wide-field massive-multiplex spectrograph
The vision for the use of the WHT in the coming decade is taking shape. A key element is the construction and deployment of WEAVE, a wide-field massive-multiplex spectrograph. With 1000 fibres and spectral resolutions of 5000 and 20000, the opportunities for discovery are tremendous. Three key fields will be: Milky-Way and Local Group archaeology linked to the Gaia mission; cosmology redshift surveys; and galaxy evolution studies linked to photometric surveys such as VISTA, UKIDSS, LOFAR, EUCLID, and others. IAC has the opportunity to get involved in this important instrument for ORM from the beginning.
About the talk
Isaac Newton Group of Telescopes, Spain

spectrographs, stellar kinematics, fundamental parameters, galaxy evolution, galactic formation, dark energy
For more details see WEAVE.
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