An Unbiased ULIRG sample at z~2
I will present a multiwavelength study of a large MIPS selected galaxies and satisfy a certain IRAC color criterion. Stellar population modeling and IRS spectra together demonstrate that the double criteria used to select this sample have efficiently isolated massive star-forming galaxies at /z/ ~ 1.9. This is the first starburst (SB)-dominated ultraluminous infrared galaxies (ULIRG) sample at high redshift with total infrared luminosity measured directly from Spitzer, Herschel FIR and millimeter photometry, and as such gives us the first accurate view of broadband spectral energy distributions for SB galaxies at extremely high luminosity and at all wavelengths. The HST images in optical and NIR bands show that most objects have very extended morphologies in the rest-frame ultraviolet and optical band, thus extended distribution of PAH molecules. We conclude that objects in this sample are ULIRGs powered mainly by SB; and the total infrared luminosity density contributed by this type of objects at /z/ ~ 1.9.
About the talk
National Astronomical Observatories of China, Beijing and Harvard-Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics, Cambridge, MA

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