Found 2 talks width keyword CoRoT


The CoRoT space mission aims at detecting planets with the transit method. In operation for more than 6 years, the instrument has monitored a couple of ten fields located in two opposite directions the Galactic plane for durations up to about 160 days. Transits are detected in about 100 up to 300 light curves per run. The large majority of them are however pinpointed as transiting stellar systems thanks to the identification of secondary eclipses or light curve modulation. The nature of the remaining candidates is then assessed through a multi-step strategy of complementary observations. This approach has allowed the discovery of a variety of planets with a large range of properties, from the first Super-Earth, CoRoT-7b to CoRoT-9b, the first temperate hot Jupiter or even the two transiting companions in the theoretical mass domain of brown dwarfs. We will review the status of the mission and then present the CoRoT exoplanetary systems and their properties.
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