Found 7 talks width keyword E-ELT

Automatización del POTEC
Explicación del problema de automatización del criostato de pruebas para la preóptica de Harmoni. Integración de diferentes protocolos de comunicación mediante el uso de lenguajes de alto nivel y un manejo de los errores que posibilite su integración dentro de un proceso industrial robusto acelerando el tiempo de prototipado y testeo. Uso de Python para la adquisición de datos y la supervisión del proceso en tiempo de ejecución.
Desarrollo de un sistema de medida optoelectrónico para la caracterización de fotodetectores basado en un monocromador
Creación de una aplicación Python para el control de un sistema óptico y la toma de datos de dos picoamperímetros conectados a sendos fotodiodos que miden la intensidad de la radiación emitida. Esto nos servirá para la caracterización del fotodetectores
Tema: Seminario de Instrumentación: Presentaciones Becarios de Verano
Hora: 17 sept. 2021 12:00 p. m. Atlantic/Canary
Unirse a la reunión Zoom

In collaboration with member states institutes, the use of the synergies with ESO is producing first important results in the R&D for Laser Guide Star adaptive optics, to be used for the large and extremely large telescope projects.
In this talk we will report on the preliminary results of the current campaign on LGS return flux with laser guide stars at Observatorio de el Teide and the foreseen tests of the EELT LGS-AO scheme, to be done at the WHT starting in summer 2016. An outlook will be given on the proposal for further feasibility tests at WHT in 2018-19, to experiment novel LGS-AO schemes using uplink beam correction and pyramid wavefront sensing. The demonstration is for a LGS-AO scheme giving high Strehl on the EELT and adaptive optics in the visible on 8m class telescopes.

ESO is an intergovernmental organization for astronomy founded in 1962 by five countries. It currently has 14 Member States in Europe with Brazil poised to join as soon as the Accession Agreement has been ratified. Together these countries represent approximately 30 percent of the world’s astronomers. ESO operates optical/infrared observatories on La Silla and Paranal in Chile, partners in the sub-millimeter radio observatories APEX and ALMA on Chajnantor and is about to start construction of the Extremely Large Telescope on Armazones.
La Silla hosts various robotic telescopes and experiments as well as the NTT and the venerable 3.6m telescope. The former had a key role in the discovery of the accelerating expansion of the Universe and the latter hosts the ultra-stable spectrograph HARPS which is responsible for the discovery of nearly two-thirds of all confirmed exoplanets with masses below that of Neptune. On Paranal the four 8.2m units of the Very Large Telescope, the Interferometer and the survey telescopes VISTA and VST together constitute an integrated system which supports 16 powerful facility instruments, including adaptive-optics-assisted imagers and integral-field spectrographs, with half a dozen more on the way and the Extremely Large Telescope with its suite of instruments to be added to this system in about ten years time. Scientific highlights include the characterisation of the supermassive black hole in the Galactic Centre, the first image of an exoplanet, studies of gamma-ray bursts enabled by the Rapid Response Mode and milliarcsec imaging of evolved stars and active galactic nuclei. The single dish APEX antenna, equipped with spectrometers and wide-field cameras, contributes strongly to the study of high-redshift galaxies and of star- and planet-formation. Early Science results obtained with the ALMA interferometer already demonstrate its tremendous potential for observations of the cold Universe.

We present recent theoretical and empirical results concerning the accuracy of Cepheid distance estimates based on optical and near-infrared (NIR) Period-Luminosity (PL) relations. In particular, we plan to discuss the dependence of both slope and zero-point on the metal content using a large sample of extragalactic Cepheids. Moreover, we discuss pros and cons of optical and NIR reddening free Period-Wesenheit relations. We also mention the impact that GAIA will have on the precision of the Cepheid distance scale and the role that E-ELT will play in the identification of Cepheids beyond the Local Volume.
Teams from industry, universities and institutes across Europe are contributing to the design and development phase of the European Southern Observatory's project to build the world's biggest optical/infrared telescope. I will outline some of exciting scientific prospects for a fully-adaptive 42m telescope, from studying exoplanets to the furthest galaxies, and then show how some of the technical challenges are being addressed. I will place special emphasis on the work UK teams are doing on instrumentation, detectors and adaptive optics.
The ambitious astrophysical objectives of the Extremely Large Telescopes (ELTs) will be achievable only with innovative Adaptive Optics (AO) systems to correct for the wavefront distortions induced by the turbulence in the atmosphere. One of the key components of an AO system is the wavefront reconstruction, which is a real-time estimate of the wavefront distortions above the telescope aperture from data. This reconstruction can be described by an inverse problem approach (IPA),taking advantage of the modeling of second-order statistics of both turbulence and data noise.First, the benefits of the IPA to wavefront reconstruction is enhanced for two particularities of the ELTs: very high number of estimated parameters (~104) and elongated spots on the sensor for AO using Laser Guide Stars. Moreover, this IPA can be implemented with a fast algorithm for high number of degrees of freedom, which makes it a candidate for the implementation on a future AO system of the E-ELT. The correction performance in closed-loop AO has also been assessed thanks to end-to-end simulations of single-conjugate AO and Ground-Layer AO with Laser Guide Stars on the E-ELT.

In the first (optical) part, we present our recent results on mass and luminosity function of Galactic open clusters, a new statistical study based on the ASCC-2.5 catalogue of bright stars, complete to about 1 kpc around the Sun. This includes a new determination of the fraction of field stars born in open clusters. It also briefly addresses the issue whether all massive stars are exclusively born in clusters. In the second (infrared) part, we discuss the prospects of a 42m European ELT to "see" the origin of massive stars in dense embedded protoclusters, by penetrating dense proto- cluster clouds up to 200 mag of visual extinction at 2-5 microns. High-angular resolution AO imaging as well as 3D integral field spectroscopy are required to study the stellar density, binary content, and dynamical properties of these highly obscured, massive, compact star clusters.« Newer Older »
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