Research Division Seminar
The shady side of Stellar modelling and its grisly impact on Asteroseismology and Galactic Archeology
Since the second half of last century, stellar evolution theory has allowed to
understand the Color Magnitude Diagram of galactic star clusters, so that now
we can explain the distribution of stars in the observed CMDs in terms of the nuclear
evolution of stellar structures and, thus, in terms of cluster age and chemical composition.
In the last decades, however, the impressive amount of data collected by photometric, astrometric,
spectroscopic and asteroseismic surveys is providing a detailed observational framework which
provides at the same time a stringent test and a challenge for the accuracy of the models.
In the same time, these stellar models are a crucial input for asteroseismology as well
as Galactic archeology studies. In this talk, we discuss (some of) the main uncertainties affecting stellar models and
how they critically impact on our capability to reliably unveil the chrono-chemo-dynamical
structure of the Galaxy.
The seminar will take place in the Aula.
Meeting ID: 843 0439 9987
Passcode: 509451
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