Research Division Seminar
The emergence of the Milky Way: Latest results from Galactic Archaeology
The previous years have witnessed a big leap forward in our understanding of the Milky Way. Thanks to the highly accurate astrometry and photometry provided by the Gaia mission in combination with large photometric and spectroscopic all-sky surveys, we have now a clearer view of the chemo-dynamics of the stellar populations that constitute our Galaxy. Our former characterization of the Milky Way components (the bulge, halo, and thick and thin discs) is now compromised by the latest discoveries and their limits are blurrier than ever. However, hints on the kind of events and processes that led to the formation of our Galaxy emerge from the analysis of these high-quality data. In this talk I will review the latest results about what caused the current stellar halo configuration and the observational evidences of the dawn of the Milky Way’s disc. I will also present the project carried out at the ULL/IAC to derive the star formation history of the Milky Way which will provide the temporal information that is still missing in Galactic research.
ID de reunión: 857 3719 8942
Código de acceso: 350472
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