Sobre la charla
Star Formation and Dust - 4
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Prof. Daniela Calzetti
University of Massachusetts, USA
University of Massachusetts, USA
Friday November 18, 2011 - 0:00 GMT (Aula)

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Sobre el conferenciante
Daniela Calzetti is a Professor at the Department of Astronomy, University of Massachusetts. Daniela received her Ph.D. in Astronomy from the
University of Rome (Italy) in 1992. She was Assistant Astronomer at Space Telescope Science Institute where she is Lead of the Near Infrared Camera and Multi Object Spectrometer (NICMOS) group. Her main research interests include Star Formation in the Local Universe, Dust Absorption and Emission Properties of Star-Forming Galaxies, Physical Conditions of the Interstellar Medium (ISM), and Feedback ISM-Star Formation.