What's Wrong with Physics Today - Why the standard models are an erosion of science
The concordance model of cosmology with its constituents dark matter and dark Energy is an established description of some anomalous observations. However, a series of additional contradictions indicate that the current view is far from satisfactory. Rather than describing observations with new numbers, it is argued that science should reflect its method, considering the fact that real progress was usually achieved by simplification. History, not only with the example of the epicycles, has shown many times that creating new ad-hoc concepts dominated over putting in doubt what had been established earlier. Also critical astrophysicists often believe that lab-tested particle physics has reliable evidence for its model. It is argued instead that the very same sociological and psychological mechanisms have been at work and brought particle physics in a still more deperate situation long ago. As an example, a couple of absurdities of the recent Higgs boson announcements are outlined. It seems inevitable that physics needs a new culture of data evaluation, raw data and source code must become equally transparent and openly accessible.
Sobre la charla
Pestalozzi-Gymnasium, Munich, Germany

iCalendar The concordance model of cosmology with its constituents dark matter and dark Energy is an established description of some anomalous observations. However, a series of additional contradictions indicate that the current view is far from satisfactory. Rather than describing observations with new numbers, it is argued that science should reflect its method, considering the fact that real progress was usually achieved by simplification. History, not only with the example of the epicycles, has shown many times that creating new ad-hoc concepts dominated over putting in doubt what had been established earlier. Also critical astrophysicists often believe that lab-tested particle physics has reliable evidence for its model. It is argued instead that the very same sociological and psychological mechanisms have been at work and brought particle physics in a still more deperate situation long ago. As an example, a couple of absurdities of the recent Higgs boson announcements are outlined. It seems inevitable that physics needs a new culture of data evaluation, raw data and source code must become equally transparent and openly accessible.&location=&trp=false&ctz=Atlantic/Canary' target='_blank' rel='nofollow' class='btn btn-primary btn-sm text-light' title='Export to Google Calendar'> Google Calendar