Current state of solar MultiConjugated Adaptive Optics (MCAO) systems.
One of the challenges in solar astronomical observations is the lack of high resolution observations over a wide FOV. Adaptive optics (AO) systems, which are routinely used in current solar telescopes, can only provide successful correction over a narrow FOV. Multi-conjugate adaptive optics (MCAO) systems attempt to address this issue and provide correction over a much wider FOV. It will become a key technology in the next generation of solar telescopes, such as the EST and DKIST. At this time, there is no fully operational solar MCAO system in operation. Work is under way at several solar facilities like the NST (Ø1.6m, BBSO) and GREGOR (Ø1.5m, KIS) to build prototype solar MCAO
systems. There is also a significant investigative effort at the IAC to study the design and operation of a solar MCAO system (proper location of the DMs and WFS, appropriated sensing for an extended object,
communication between different WFS, convenient reconstruction method). This talk will provide a review of the current state of solar MCAO, concentrating on solar MCAO simulation efforts under development
at the National Solar Observatory.
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National Solar Observatory

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