Sobre la charla
Imperial College London, UK

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I'm a theoretical cosmologist in the Astrophysics Group of Imperial College London, where I am a lecturer in astrophysics. My research in cosmology is about analysing, interpreting and making sense of cosmological observations, in order to learn more about the properties and nature of dark matter and dark energy. I'm also interested in the early Universe and in developing connections between cosmology and particle physics. The goal is to learn more about the history and nature of the Universe, by using cosmology as a Universe-sized laboratory for particle and high energy physics.
I am a science communicator and I take part in numerous public engagement with science activities, from science festivals to radio broadcasts. I am an STFC Public Engagement Fellow, and I'm currently developing a public engagement programme called "The Hands-on Universe".
I offer statistical consultancy and custom-made data analysis solutions, as well as training, for a broad variety of clients. I work as a scientific consultant with museums, writers, film makers and artists, providing the help and support they need to make their artistic creations scientifically sound.
Please see my LinkedIn profile for further information on my professional activities and my personal homepage for more details about my outreach and consulting work