Measurement of a large scale flow with clusters of galaxies
Prof. Fernando Atrio Barandela
Peculiar velocities of galaxies, derived using distance estimators, are plagued with systematic effects and are unreliable beyond 100 Mpc/h. In Kashlinsky & Atrio-Barandela (2000) we proposed to measure peculiar velocities of clusters of galaxies using the temperature anisotropies on the Cosmic Microwave Background generated by the hot X-ray emitting. Using this technique we have recently found a bulk flow velocity of amplitude 600-1000 km/s in the same direction as the CMB dipole and encompassing a sphere of 300 Mpc/h radius. We shall discuss the cosmological implications of this measurement.Sobre la charla
Measurement of a large scale flow with clusters of galaxies
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Prof. Fernando Atrio Barandela
University of Salamanca, Spain
University of Salamanca, Spain
Friday January 16, 2009 - 0:00 GMT (Aula)

distances and redshifts, distance scale, CMB, fundamental parameters, galactic clusters, galactic kinematics
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