Pluralism in contemporary cosmology
Dr. Alan Heiblum
Current scientific cosmology hosts a plurality of scenarios that articulate in different ways the precision astronomy's observations. However, this palette of alternatives is not taken as the true scientific production. There is a monist tendency to think that scientific results should be represented by a single scenario. The present work seeks to undermine the attempts to justify that tendency and to show that even if a single and final stage is waiting, methodological pluralism also would be the best option to achieve it.
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Pluralism in contemporary cosmology
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Dr. Alan Heiblum
Dept. of History and Philosophy of Science, Univ. of Cambridge, U.K.
Dept. of History and Philosophy of Science, Univ. of Cambridge, U.K.
Thursday April 16, 2015 - 10:30 GMT+1 (Aula)

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