Virtual Observatory Science and the ARCHES project
The Virtual Observatory (VO) is an international astronomical community-based initiative. It aims at providing easy and efficient access and analysis of the information available at astronomical archives and services. The Spanish Virtual Observatory (SVO, is part of this initiative since 2004, coordinating the VO activities at national level. ARCHES (Astronomical Resource Cross-matching for High Energy Studies, is a FP7 project whose goal is to provide scientifically validated spectral energy distributions and cross-correlated catalogues of the sources included in the 3XMM (DR4) catalogue. These enhanced resources will definitively ease the exploration of a wide range of astrophysical questions by the time they become public (beginning 2016).
In this presentation, after an overall view of the current status of the Virtual Observatory and some of the most relevant VO-science projects carried out in the SVO framework, I will focus on the VO-science case I am responsible for within ARCHES: A multiwavelength study of circumstellar discs around late-type main sequence stars.
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Centro de Astrobiología (C.A.B)

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