Star clusters in M33
Miss Izaskun San Roman
ΛCDM-based numerical simulations predict a scenario consistent with observational evidence in Milky Way-like halos. However, less clear is the role of low-mass galaxies in the big picture. The best way to answer this question is to study the nearest example of a dwarf spiral galaxy, M33. We will use star clusters to understand the structure, kinematics and stellar populations of this galaxy. We will present our current status and future plans of a comprehensive study of the star cluster system of M33. This study will provide key insights into the star formation history, composition and kinematics of low-mass galaxies as well as place M33 within the context of galaxy formation process.Sobre la charla
Star clusters in M33
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Miss Izaskun San Roman
University of Florida, USA
University of Florida, USA
Tuesday October 20, 2009 - 0:00 GMT+1 (Aula)

stellar populations, star clusters, M33, galactic structure, galactic kinematics , galactic formation
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