Planetary Atmospheres 2: Radiative Transfer, Composition, and Clouds
Dr. Sebastien Lebonnois
Series: XXVIII Canary Islands Winter School of Astrophysics: Solar System Exploration
Topic: Planetary Atmospheres.
Lecture 2: Radiative transfer, composition, and clouds.
In his second lecture Dr. Lebonnois talks about the processes that take place in the atmosphere of the planets, explaining the energy balance between the different layers, and the interaction with the surface. The generation of spectral lines and bands, the creation of clouds, and the characteristics of temperature profiles are also described with detail.
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Planetary Atmospheres 2: Radiative Transfer, Composition, and Clouds
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Dr. Sebastien Lebonnois
Laboratoire de Meteorologie Dynamique, France
Laboratoire de Meteorologie Dynamique, France
Tuesday November 8, 2016 - 9:15 GMT (Aula)

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