Found 3 talks width keyword pre-main sequence

Thursday June 8, 2023
Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam, AIP, Germany
In this seminar I will focus on how the avalanche of new data changes our views on how our Galaxy formed and evolved. Precise astrometric, spectroscopic, photometric and asteroseismic data can be combined to pin down different processes that have shaped the Milky Way. This data will be discussed and illustrated with examples of what is possible to achieve by combining chemistry , kinematics and age information. In particular, the impact of asteroseismology of red giants on Galactic Archaeology in the context of large spectroscopic surveys will be highlighted. Finally, it will be shown why more data is needed and what are some of the future plans for the next 10-20 years.

Thursday March 10, 2016
I will summarize the two well proved techniques for high spatial resolution: Lucky Imaging and Adaptive Optics and the work of our group in this field. I will also introduce the state-of-the-art new instrument Adaptive Optics Lucky Imager (AOLI). On AOLI, both techniques merge providing a very versatile answer on the visible range. Some first science on the T-Tauri system LkHa 262/263 in the MBM 12 cloud will be reported together with a review of the next steps to be developed.

Thursday March 19, 2009
European Southern Observatory, Garching, Germany
Most studies of the stellar and substellar populations of star forming regions rely on the identification of the signatures of accretion, outflows, circumstellar dust, or activity characteristic of the early stages of stellar evolution. However, the decay of these observational signatures with time limits our ability to understand the complete star forming history of young aggregates, and to obtain unbiased samples of young stellar objects at different stages of disk evolution. I will present the results of a wide-area study of the stellar population of selected clouds in the nearby Lupus star forming region, initially defined to complement the data obtained by the Spitzer Space Observatory Legacy Program “From molecular cores to planet-forming disks”. When combined with 2MASS photometry, our data allow us to fit the spectral energy distributions of well over 150,000 sources seen in that direction, and to identify possible new members based on their photospheric fluxes alone, with independence of the display of signposts of youth. In this way we identify a very clear signature of the existence of a surprisingly numerous and thus far unrecognized population of cool members of Lupus 1 and 3, which is absent from Lupus 4.The approximately 130 new members that we identify show that Lupus 1 and 3 have been forming low mass stars in numbers comparable to, or even exceeding in Lupus 1, those revealed by recent sensitive surveys based on the signposts of youth. We hypothesize on several possibilities for the origin of this population that may account for its puzzling properties of general lack of disks, coevality with the disk-bearing population, and preferential off-cloud location, which hint at a picture more complex and interesting than the quiescent formation inside dense molecular clouds.
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