Living on the edge: Adaptive Optics+Lucky Imaging
Mr. Sergio Velasco Muñoz
I will summarize the two well proved techniques for high spatial resolution: Lucky Imaging and Adaptive Optics and the work of our group in this field. I will also introduce the state-of-the-art new instrument Adaptive Optics Lucky Imager (AOLI). On AOLI, both techniques merge providing a very versatile answer on the visible range. Some first science on the T-Tauri system LkHa 262/263 in the MBM 12 cloud will be reported together with a review of the next steps to be developed.
About the talk
Living on the edge: Adaptive Optics+Lucky Imaging
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Mr. Sergio Velasco Muñoz
Thursday March 10, 2016 - 10:30 GMT (Aula)

Lucky imaging, FASTCAM, diffraction limit, adaptive optics, T Tauri, protoplanetary discs, pre-main sequence, low-mass stars
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