The Starlight Foundation: the starry sky as a scientific, cultural, environmental and sustainable economy resource.
Starlight principles and recommendations are brought together in the “Declaration in Defence of the Night Sky and the Right to Starlight” (“La Palma Declaration.” 2007), in which, in addition to the IAC, representatives of UNESCO, UNWTO, IAU, UNEP-CMS, CE, SCBD, COE, MAB and the Ramsar Convention all participated and launched Starlight as an international movement in defence of the sky by night and day and to treat it as a source of knowledge and culture that should be shared with society as a whole, promoting the dissemination of astronomy and sustainable, high-quality tourism in those places where the night sky is cared. The Starlight Reserves, Tourist Destinations and other modalities are scenarios that incorporate the observation of the sky as part of the natural, scenic, cultural and scientific heritage and encourage “Star Tourism”, promoting infrastructure, products, activities and training of specialized guides in the field of sustainable tourism. The Starlight Foundation has been selected to lead the UNWTO Affiliate Member Working Group on Scientific Tourism. Updated Starlight certifications and current projects will be summarized in this presentation.
About the talk
Starlight Foundation, IAC

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