Conferences contributions 

Contribuciones a congresos


Invited / invitadas

Oral & Posters / Orales y Murales


Oxford VI and SEAC 1999 Conferences on Astronomy and Cultural Diversity


Invited / invitadas

  1. Belmonte J.A., Perera Betancort M.A. y González García A.C., Análisis estadístico y de la escritura libico-bereber de Canarias y el norte de Africa: claves para el poblamiento. Memorias del VII Congreso de patromonio histórico: inscripciones rupestres y poblamiento del archipiélago, (2012), en prensa.
  2. Belmonte J.A. The voyages of the Zodiac: an impenitent traveller across lands and ages, In Proc. Of SEAC XIX Conference (2012), en prensa.
  3. González García, A.C. A voyage of Christian medieval astronomy: Symbolic, ritual and political orientation of churches, In Proc. Of SEAC XIX Conference (2012), en prensa.
  4. Belmonte J.A., y Edwards E. Arqueoastronomía: arqueología, topografía y paisaje celeste: Desde el Nilo a Rapa Nui. In Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics VI (2011), 786-796.
  5. Belmonte J.A., Shaltout M., Fekri, M. and Abdel Hadi Y., Lightening the temples: a story of discovery on Egyptian archaeoastronomy. In Astronomy and culture in the ancient Mediterranean and beyond, BAR Int. Ser. (2010), en prensa.          
  6. Belmonte J.A. In search of cosmic order: astronomy and culture in ancient Egypt. In The role of astronomy in society and culture, IAU Sym. 260, edited by Valls-Gabaud D. and Boksenberg, A. (2011), 74-86.
  7. Belmonte J.A. The Egyptian calendar: a masterpiece to organize the Cosmos. In Cosmology across Cultures, ASP Conf. Series 409 (2009), 116-127.
  8. Belmonte J.A. Astronomy, science or culture?, myth and reality. In Teaching and Communicating Astronomy. Editado por A, Ortiz y V. Martínez. EAS Pub. Ser. 18 (2006), 6-28.
  9. Belmonte J.A. De la arqueoastronomía a la astronomía cultural, BSEA 15, 23-40 (2005).
  10. Belmonte J.A. Templos, pirámides y estrellas: la astronomía del Egipto faraónico. In Memoria 4º Encuentro Enseñanza Astronomía. pp. 15-23. (APEA, Murcia, 2001).
  11. Belmonte J.A.  Time-reckoning, pyramids and stars: astronomy and culture in ancient Egypt., Cosmology through Time, 31-50 (Mimesis, Milano, 2003).
  12. Belmonte J.A. The Decans and the ancient Egyptian skylore: an astronomical approach., The Inspiration of Astronomical Phenomena III (2002), Mem.S.A.It. 73 (Vol. Spec. 1), 43-57.
  13. Belmonte, J.A., Esteban C. Perera Betancort M.A. Los adoradores del sol y de la luna. Astronomía y cultura en la Islas Canarias y el Norte de Africa. L’Uomo Antico e il Cosmo. A.D.C.L. 171, pp. 89-112. (Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Roma, 2001).                             


Oral & Posters / Orales y Murales 

Authors / Autores
Title / Título
Publication / Publicación
Place and Date / Lugar y Fecha
Belmonte J.A. y González garcía C.
Astral symbolism and time-keeping in the Hittite culture
VIIIth International Conference of Hittitologists,  LOC (in press)           
Varsovia (Polonia), 2011
González García C. y Belmonte J.A.
Astronomy and landscape in central LB age Anatolia
VIIIth International Conference of Hittitologists, LOC (in press)           
Varsovia (Polonia), 2011
Aller Egea, A. y Belmonte J.A.
Statistical analysis of temple orientation in ancient India
XIX Congreso anual de la SEAC: “A Meeting of different Worlds”,  LOC (in press)        
Evora (Portugal), 2011    
Belmonte J.A. y Barba J.
Can nature align? The enigma of Moxos’ lagoons. Astronomy and landscape in south-wetern Amazonia
Oxford IX Conference and IAU Sym. 278  Conference Archaeoastronomy and Ethnoastronomy: building bridges between cultures, CUP IAU Sym. 278 (2011), 135-43.         
Lima (Peru) 2011
González García A.C., Costa-Ferrer, L.
The diachronic study of orientations: Merida, a case study
Oxford IX Conference and IAU Sym. 278  Conference Archaeoastronomy and Ethnoastronomy: building bridges between cultures, CUP IAU Sym. 278 (2011), 374-381.
Lima (Peru) 2011
Belmonte J.A.
¿Conocían los antiguos egipcios la duración exacta del año solar?
IV Congreso Ibérico de Egiptología, LOC (in press)                  
Lisboa (Portugal) 2010     
García Quintela M.V., González García A.C.,
Campo Lameiro y Peñalba de Villastar: miradas cruzadas sobre lugares de culto prerromanos peninsulares y su romanización,
VI Simposio sobre los Celtíberos: Ritos y Mitos, Actas, F. Burillo (ed.), Centro de Estudios Celtibéricos de Segeda, (2010) 113-122
Segeda (España) 2010
Belmonte J.A. y González García A.C.
Astronomy, landscape and power in Eastern Anatolia
SEAC2010 on Astronomy and Power, How worlds are structured. BAR Int. Ser. (in press)   
Gilching (Alemania) 2010
González García A.C., Belmonte J.A. y Costa Ferrer L.
The orientation of pre-Romanesque churches in Spain: Asturias, a case of political reaffirmation
SEAC2010 on Astronomy and Power, How worlds are structured. BAR Int. Ser. (in press)  
Gilching (Alemania) 2010                
Belmonte J.A.
The sky of the majos and the magos: astronomy in the Canary islands cultural tradition
Starlight reserves and World heritage
Costa Calma (España)  2009           
Belmonte J.A.
Diez mil años de astronomía
Ceremonia de Apertura del Año Internacional de la Astronomía
Cuenca (España) 2009    
Belmonte J.A.
The first astronomers: astronomy over four millenia
Opening Ceremony of the International Year of Astronomy at UNESCO
París (Francia) 2009        
Gil J.C. y Belmonte J.A.
Gran Canaria revisited
Cosmology across Cultures. A.S.P. Conf. Ser. 409 (2009), 331-7.                            
Granada (España) 2008   
Belmonte J.A. Shaltout M. y Fekri M.
Astronomy and landscape in ancient Egypt: temple alignments and implications for chronology
X International Conference of Egyptologists, OLA (en prensa)             
Rodas (Grecia) 2008
Belmonte J.A., González García A.C., Shaltout M., Fekri M. and Miranda N.
From Umm al Qab to Biban al Muluk: the orientation of royal tombs in ancient Egypt
Astronomy and Cosmology in Folk Traditions and cultural heritage (SEAC XVth and Oxford VIIIth)
Archaeologia Baltica 10 (2008), 220-25.        
Klaipeda (Lituania) 2007
González García A.C., Koleva V., Kolev D. and Belmonte J.A.
Thracian dolmens and their orientations
Astronomy and Cosmology in Folk Traditions and cultural heritage (SEAC XVth and Oxford VIIIth)
Archaeologia Baltica 10 (2008), 170-74.
Klaipeda (Lituania) 2007                
González García A.C., García Quintela M., Belmonte J.A. and Santos Estevez M.
Anomalous deers, landscape and time reckoning in NW Spain during the Iron Age.
Astronomy and Cosmology in Folk Traditions and cultural heritage (SEAC XVth and Oxford VIIIth), Archaeologia Baltica 10 (2008), 66-70. Published in 2009.                                        
Klaipeda (Lituania) 2007                
Miranda N., Belmonte J.A. and Molinero M.A.
Uncovering Seshat: new insights at teh stretching of the cord ceremony
Astronomy and Cosmology in Folk Traditions and cultural heritage (SEAC XVth and Oxford VIIIth), Archaeologia Baltica 10 (2008), 57-61.
Klaipeda (Lituania) 2007                
Belmonte J.A.
Seeking starlight: dreams of trascendentalism, mystery and imagination.
Starlight, edited by C. Marín (2008)                              
Santa Cruz de La Palma (España) 2007         
Esteban C.
Orientaciones y Astronomía en Nan Madol (Pohnpei, Micronesia)”,
F.J. Antón Burgos (Ed.), VII Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Española de Estudios del Pacífico, Tradiciones y nuevas realidades en Asia y el Pacífico (Barcelona, 2007), 65-73.
Barcelona (España) 2007
Belmonte J.A. and Zedda M.
From Domus de Janas to Hawanat: on the orientations of rock carved tombs in the Western Mediterranean.
SEAC2005 on Light and Shadow in Cultural Astronomy, edited by M. Zedda and J. A. Belmonte, Dolianova (2007), 39-46.
Isili (Cerdeña, Italia) 2005              
Belmonte J.A. and Zedda M.
Light and Shadows on the Pyramids.
SEAC2005 on Light and Shadow in Cultural Astronomy, edited by M. Zedda and J. A. Belmonte, Dolianova (2007), 188-196.
Isili (Cerdeña, Italia) 2005
González C., Costa L. and Belmonte J.A.
Solarists vs. Lunatics: modelling patterns in megalithic astronomy.
SEAC2005 on Light and Shadow in Cultural Astronomy, edited by M. Zedda and J. A. Belmonte, Dolianova (2007), 23-30.
Isili (Cerdeña, Italia) 2005               
González C., Costa L., Zedda M. and Belmonte J.A.
The orientation of the Punic tombs of Ibiza and Sardinia.
SEAC2005 on Light and Shadow in Cultural Astronomy, edited by M. Zedda and J. A. Belmonte, Dolianova (2007), 47-56.            
Isili (Cerdeña, Italia) 2005               
Belmonte J.A. and Shaltout M.
The astronomical ceiling of Senenmut: a dream of mystery and imagination.
SEAC2005 on Light and Shadow in Cultural Astronomy, edited by M. Zedda and J. A. Belmonte, Dolianova (2007), 145-154.
Isili (Cerdeña, Italia) 2005               
Miranda N., Molinero M.A. and Belmonte J.A.
The goddess Seshat: stretching the cord in ancient Egypt.
SEAC2005 on Light and Shadows in Cultural Astronomy.
Light and Shadow in Cultural Astronomy, edited by M. Zedda and J. A. Belmonte, Dolianova (2007), 212-19.          
Isili (Cerdeña, Italia) 2005               
Delgado Cabrera, M. y Esteban C.
Application of standard astronomical software to the analysis of horizons around archaeological sites
M.P. Zedda, J.A. Belmonte (Eds.), Proceedings of the SEAC 2005, Lights and Shadows in Cultural Astronomy (Dolianova, 2007), 131-136.
Isili (Italia) 2005
Belmonte J.A. & Edwards E.
Astronomy and landscape in Eastern Island. New hints at the light of the ethnographic sources.
SEAC 12th Annual Meeting,  B.A.R. 1647 (2007), 79-85.                          
Kecskemet (Hungría) 2004             
González García A. C., Costa L.
The Orientation of the ‘Hünenbetten’ of Lower Saxony. 
BAR International Series 1647, Archaeoastronomy in Archeology and Ethnography (2007), 29-33
Kecskemet (Hungría) 2004
Belmonte J.A.
Orientando pirámides: mitos y realidades
ICA 51. Sym. ARQ 13: Etno y Arqueoastronomía en las Américas. Editado por el LOC. (2004), 7-20.   
Santiago de Chile (Chile) 2003
Cases Martín J.I., Belmonte J.A. y Lacadena A.
Análisis de Uniformidad de las Series Lunares del Periodo Clásico maya: primeros resultados.
ICA 51. Sym. ARQ 13: Etno y Arqueoastronomía en las Américas. Editado por el LOC. (2004), 195-210. 
Santiago de Chile (Chile) 2003
Esteban, C.
The equinox in pre-Roman religious monuments of the Western Mediterranean,
A.-A. Maravelia (Ed.), 8th Annual Conference of the European Association of Archaeologists, British Archaeological Reports/Archaeopress (BAR S1154, 2003), 83-100.
Tesalónica (Grecia) 2003
Belmonte J.A.
A map of the ancient Egyptian Firmament
8th European Association of Archaeologists Meeting. B.A.R. International Series 1154, 31-38 (2003).                        
Tesalónica (Grecia) 2002
Belmonte J.A.
On the megalithic monuments of the Easter Mediterranean: new perspectives.
SEAC Xth Conference, Cosmic Catastrophies, a collection of papers, edited by M. Kiova, I. Pustylnik y L. Vesik (Tartu, 2005), 9-14.                    
Tartu (Estonia) 2002       
Esteban, C.
Temples and astronomy in Carthage
M. Blomberg, P.E. Blomberg, G. Henriksson (Eds.), Calendars, Symbols and Orientations: Legacies of Astronomy in Culture, Uppsala Astronomical Observatory, Report No. 59 (2003), 5-142.
Estocolmo (Suecia) 2001
Belmonte J.A.
The Ramesside star clocks and the ancient Egyptian constellations.
SEAC 9th Conference on “Calendars, Symbols and orientations: Legacies of Astronomy in Culture”.
UAO 59, pp. 57-66. Blomberg M., Blomberg P. And Henrikson G. (eds), Upsala (2003).                     
Estocolmo (Suecia) 2001 
Ulla A., Belmonte J.A., Thejll P.
Moon dynamics and climate predictions
SOLSPA Conference on the Sun and terrestrial Climate. ESA SP 463, 555-558. (2000)                       
Santa Cruz de Tenerife (España) 2000         
Belmonte J.A., Esteban C., Perera Betancort M.A., Marrero R.
The sun in the north of Africa before Islam. A solstitial marker in the Sahara.
Ass. Sym. to JENAM. 2000 “Astronomy of Ancient Civilizations”.
Astronomy of Ancient Civilizations. Potemkina T. & Obridko P. (Eds.) En prensa.                             
Moscú (Rusia) 2000        
Belmonte J.A.
Sobre la precesión de los equinoccios y otros misterios científicos.
Memorias del 1er Congreso sobre Comunicación Social de la Ciencia. pp. 468-471. (2000).                              
Granada (España) 1999
Belmonte J.A., Perera Betancort M.A.
Astronomy, writing & symbolism: the case of pre-Hispanic Canary Islands.
SEAC 1998 on Astronomy, Cosmology & Landscape. Ruggles C. (Ed.). 7, 92-105. Occarina Books. (2001).  
Dublin (Irlanda) 1998      
Esteban, C., Aura, E.
The winter sun in a Palaeolithic cave: La Cova del Parpalló
C.L.N. Ruggles, F. Prendergast, T. Ray (Eds.), SEAC98. Astronomy, Cosmology, and Landscape, (Dublín, 2001), 8-14.
Dublín (irlanda) 1998
Belmonte J.A.
Mediterranean archaeoastronomy & archaeotopography: Nabataean Petra.
Proc. V SEAC Meeting. Pag. 77-90. Lebeuf A. & Ziolkowsky M. (Eds.) Warzawa. (1999).    
Gdansk (Polonia) 1997    
Esteban C. 
Astronomy and the Ancient Iberians 
SEAC 97 Annual Meeting, Danzig (Polonia), SWIATOWIT Supplement Series H: Anthropology, Vol. II (1999), 111-129.
Gdansk (Polonia) 1997
Jiménez J.J., Esteban C., Febles V., Belmonte J.A.
Archaeoastronomy and sacred places in Tenerife (Canary Islands)
Actas del IV Congreso de la SEAC, 185-190. Jaschek C. & Atrio F. (Eds.). Salamanca. (1997)   
Salamanca (España) 1996             
Sanz de Lara Barrios M., Belmonte J.A., Perera Betancort M.A., Méndez Corona C., Schlueter R.
Canarian ethnoastronomy: the voyage of a tradition?
Actas del IV Congreso de la SEAC 235-246. Jaschek C. & Atrio F. (Eds.). Salamanca. (1997) 
Salamanca (España) 1996             
Belmonte J.A., Esteban C., Schlueter R., Perera Betancort M.A., Génova R., Cruz M.
Astral gods, tombs and sacred mountains: the case of Mediterranean Africa. 
Actas del IV Congreso de la SEAC 247-254. Jaschek C. & Atrio F. (Eds.). Salamanca (1997).
Salamanca (España) 1996             
Esteban C. 
Archaeoastronomical approach to the pre-Roman Iberian religion. First steps,
C. Jaschek, F. Atrio Barandela (Eds.), Proc. VIth SEAC Meeting: Astronomy and Culture, Salamanca (1997), 157-164.
Salamanca (España) 1996
Belmonte J.A., Perera Betancort, M.A., Esteban, C., Tejera Gaspar, A.
Tindaya: un acercamiento arqueoastronómico a los grabados podoformos
Manifestaciones Rupestres en Canarias y en el Norte de Africa.
Faykag. Revista Canaria de Arqueología. Número Extraordinario. Otoño 2002. pp. 19-29.                 
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (España) 1995
Esteban C., Belmonte J.A., Schlueter R., González O.
Pre-Hispanic Gran Canaria, an archaeoastronomical paradigm.
3rd SEAC Conference. Ancient times, moder method. Stanescu F. (Ed.). Lucian Blaga Univ. Sibiu. Pag. 8-15. (1999).                                   
Sibiu (Rumanía) 1995      
Esteban C., Belmonte J.A., Perera Betancort M.A.
The Equinox in pre-Hispanic Canary Islands
Oxford V conference Cultural aspects of Astronomy Current Studies in Archaeoastronomy. J.A. Fountain & R.M. Sinclair (eds.), Carolina Academic Press (Durham, 2003), 441-454.                    
Santa Fe (EEUU) 1995    
Belmonte J.A., Esteban, C., Tejera Gaspar, A., Aparicio, A.
Arqueoastronomía de las Culturas aborígenes Canarias y su posible relación con las culturas preislámicas del norte de Africa
Encuentros Canarias-Marruecos, 27-43, Agadir (2001)                            
Agadir (Marruecos) 1994              
Aparicio A., Belmonte, J.A., Esteban, C.
Archeoastronomy in the Canary Islands: the pyramids of Güímar
Tiempo y Astronomía en el Encuentro de dos Mundos. CESLA of Warzawa University.
Studies and Materials 10, 361-369. 1994
Fromwork (Polonia) 1992