Shahbaz et al. 2010; Observations of the quiescent X-ray transients GRS 1124-684 (=GU Mus) and Cen X-4 (=V822 Cen) taken with ULTRACAM on the VLT PDF Imprimir
Lunes 22 de Febrero de 2010 13:59


Shahbaz, T.; Dhillon, V. S.; Marsh, T. R.; Casares, J.; Zurita, C.; Charles, P. A.

Observations of the quiescent X-ray transients GRS 1124-684 (=GU Mus) and Cen X-4 (=V822 Cen) taken with ULTRACAM on the VLT

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society vol. 403, pag. 2167