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Installing integral package

In order to install integral package in LOCAL, only the system manager will have the authority and the privileges ("IRAF Site Manager's Guide").

Nevertheless, whoever user can install the integral package for personal use. In this case, the user has to put integral like a personal package. In order to do this, follow the steps:

1) You have to put all files of integral package in the same directory [*] (g.e.: /work/integral), with the exception of, _integral.hd, integral.hd, root.hd and the files with extension ``.hlp'', that have to be in a subdirectory called doc (g.e.: /package/integral/doc), and the files databundles.txt and example.ref have to be in a subdirectory called database [*]. Therefore, if you have all these files in /work/integral (according to our example), you have to do:

/work/integral> mkdir doc

/work/integral> mv *.hlp doc

/work/integral> mv *.hd doc

/work/integral> mv *.men doc

/work/integral> mkdir database

/work/integral> mv *.txt database

/work/integral> mv *.ref database

/work/integral> mv *.status database

/work/integral> mv *.data database

2) If you log into IRAF [*] for the first time [*], you have to execute mkiraf, else go to next point (3). In the first case, for execute mkiraf:

/work/integral> mkiraf

On the display, will appear:

- creating a new uparm directory

Terminal types: xgterm, xterm, vt640, vt100, etc.

Type xgterm. On the display, will appear:

A new LOGIN.CL file has been created in the current directory.

You may wish to review and edit this file to change the defaults.

Create a new (y/n):

Type y. On the display, will appear:

-- creating a new

You may wish to review and edit file to add your own definitions.

3) Edit the file

This is an example of a `':

# Begin of the file

# User package definitions

# select your favorite editor here

# set editor = vi

# set editor = emacs

# define user package tasks here

cl < /soft/iraf/iraf/local/user_login/loginuser.glob

# load more packages here

task $integral = /package/integral/

set int_helpdb = /package/integral/helpdb.mip

stty xgterm


# End of the file

Observe the latter rows after # load more packages here of the example of `'. Write at the end of your file (according to our example):

task $integral = /package/integral/

set int_helpdb = /package/integral/helpdb.mip

stty xgterm


The instruction "task $integral=/package/integral/" (See Appendix I) corresponds to the definition for integral package.

4) In the directory /package/integral/ (according to our example) edit (see Appendix I), and change /package/integral/ by the subdirectory where are the integral tasks.

Change to the subdirectory doc:

/work/integral> cd doc

Edit integral.hd and _integral.hd and change /package/integral/ by the subdirectory where are the integral tasks.

5) Change to the directory /package/integral/ (according to our example):

/package/integral/doc> cd ..

Open a terminal xgterm:

/work/integral> xgterm&

And log into IRAF [*]:

/work/integral> cl

To compile and link (producing an executable) inside IRAF the different INTEGRAL Fortran [*] proprams (files with the extension ".f"), you have to do:

cl> fc int_invert.f

cl> fc int_refrac.f

cl> fc int_status.f

cl> fc readap.f

cl> fc readap2.f

cl> fc trace_fiber.f

To obtain the executable INTEGRAL program int_interpol.f, which need link two NAG library functions (E01SAF and E01SBF), you have to do:

cl> fc -c int_interpol.f,

to compile this file and produce the object int_interpol.o. And:

cl> fc int_interpol.o -lnag,

to link the NAG library [*].

6) The instruction ``reset helpdb= ....'' allow us to introduce the different help files for INTEGRAL (integral.hlp, integral.hd, _integral.hd, root.hd, helpdb.mip [*], and the files with extension ``.hlp''). In order to install the help (see Ed Anderson. Revised by Rob Seaman. NOAO. September 1989, for more details), you have to load softools and execute mkhelpdb:

cl> softools

cl> mkhelpdb doc/root.hd helpdb.mip

The integral package has been already installed. You can log out:

cl> logout

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Carlos del Burgo
