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Using integral package

Now, we can login in IRAF from the directory where has been installed the integral package:

/work/integral> cl

And we can access to integral tasks typing integral inside IRAF to load this package (like a current IRAF task):

cl> integral

Then, you can see a general help of integral typing [*]:

cl> help integral option=sys helpdb= "(int_helpdb) "

For get a general help of the several integral tasks, type:

cl> help integral helpdb= "(int_helpdb) "

And to get help of a particular INTEGRAL task (e.g.: int_hart) you have to type:

cl> help int_hart helpdb= "(int_helpdb) ",

We will be generally interested in work in other directory (e.g.: /work/images/). Then change to this directory:

cl> cd /work/images/

This is the moment to prepare the files required to the recontruction of the images. For do it, verify that exists the directory database. If this is no already in existance, do:

cl> mkdir database

Now, do a copy of the file databundles.txt from /package/integral/database/ (according to our example):

cl> cp /package/integral/database/databunbles.txt database

And the files,,, and SB1.status, SB2.status and SB3.status from /package/integral/database/ (according to our example):

cl> cp /package/integral/database/SB.* database

And then, run int_status:

cl> int_status

If the user want to use int_daref he can copy the example of input file from subdirectory /package/integral/database/ (according to our example):

cl> cp /work/images/database/example.ref .

Now, you can use the integral package (see Ref.: INT-IAC-MNL-004 for a description of the integral tasks).

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Carlos del Burgo
