Oct. 12, 2014. 2nd SOLARNET School and Workshop, and 2nd SPRING Meeting (Tatranska Lomnica, Slovakia).

SOLARNET Project prioritizes the collaborations between the new generation of scientists and experienced researchers through short stays and training actions to acquire competences in relevant fields of Solar Physics.

12 students from Europe, Russia and India are participating in the 2nd School "Ground- and space-based instruments” organized by the SOLARNET colleagues from Slovakia. students are are intensively taught by experienced lecturers in Solar Physic:

Dr. F. Zuccarello (INAF, Italy) introduced the SOLARNET project and the design of the 4m class European Solar Telescope (EST); Dr. Th. Rimmele (NSO, USA) described the current stage of construction of the biggest ground based facility for Solar Physics, the DKIST 4m telescope; Dr. M. Löfdah (RSAS, Sweden) trained the students how to use and reduct the data from 1m Swedish Solar Telescope; Dr. D. Williams (UCL-MSSL, UK) gave lectures concerning the space instruments and data handling; Dr. T. Pereira (UiO, Norway) described IRIS instrument and has gone with the students through the whole process of how to download and how to deal with IRIS data; and Drs. A. Kucera, J. Koza and M. Kozak (all three from AISAS, Slovakia) gave lectures on complementary skills and conducted hand on sessions.

Practical part (exercises) of the School is also important for students to try really work with databases, real data and sophisticated software commonly used in Solar Physics. Second part of the School will be a participation at the Workshop "Methods in high resolution and synoptic Solar Physics”, and at the 2nd SPRING* Meeting, October 12-16, 2014, also in Tatranska Lomnica, Slovakia.

More details at SOLARNET 2nd School
                    SOLARNET 2nd Workshop and 2nd SPRING Meeting

* Solar Physics Research Integrated Network Group (SPRING)


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