3D MHD Mancha code:
- Solves non-linear equations for perturbations
- Magneto-static equilibrium is explicitly removed from the equations
- 4th order central difference in space and 4th order Runge-Kutta in time
- Stabilized by hyper-diffusive terms
- PML absorption layer boundary conditions
- Energy losses according to Newton cooling law
- OPAL or ideal equation of state
- MPI parallelized using domain decomposition
- Written in Fortran 90
"Magneto-acoustic Waves in Sunspots: First Results From a New Three-dimensional Nonlinear Magnetohydrodynamic Code", T. Felipe, E. Khomenko and M. Collados, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 719, Issue 1, pp. 357-377 (2010)