The IAC participates in the “Night of Stories and Full Moon” in El Escobonal

On the night of August 11th, during the festivities of San José 2014, the Concejalía de Cultura y Patrimonio del Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Güímar and the Comisión de Fiestas de San José de El Escobonal, organize a "Night of Stories and Full Moon". This initiative includes a set of cultural and public outreach activities in which the central theme will be our satellite, the Moon.

Start date: 11 Aug, 2014 - 21:30h
End date: 11 Aug, 2014 00:00h
Location: Ruinas de la Ermita de San José, El Escobonal, Güímar, Tenerife.

IAC astrophysicists John Beckman and Nayra Rodríguez Eugenio (science communicator of the Severo Ochoa program), will give two talks about the Moon, including topics like its phases, why we always see (approximately) the same side from Earth, theories about its formation, surface features, etc. Attendees will also enjoy observing the Moon, which will be very close to the full moon phase. Indeed, it will be very close to what is known as a SuperMoon, an event that will happen just the night before, on August 10th. Astronomical observations of the Moon and other bright celestial objects (Saturn, Mars, ...) will be carried out with two amateur telescopes that Discover Experience, led by the IAC, will carry to the site.

Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias. C/ Via Láctea s/n 38200, La Laguna. Canary Islands. Spain.
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