Outreach Conference by Rafael Rebolo

On Tuesday May 26, Rafael Rebolo, Director of IAC and Scientific Director of the Severo Ochoa Program in the IAC, will present a lecture entitled "The Canarian Observatories and exploration of the Universe" at the Planetarium of Madrid, within the Conference series "Light and Astronomy", held on the occasion of the International Year of Light, in collaboration with the Obra Social la Caixa and the European Space Agency (ESA). Further information and reservations: http://www.planetmad.es/conferenciasLuz.html

Starting date: 26 May, 2015, 20:00h
End date: 26 May, 2015, 21:00h
Location: Planetarium of Madrid, Madrid
Organizer: Planetarium of Madrid, Obra Social la Caixa, ESA


The current state of research carried out in the Observatories of the IAC will be presented. After 30 years of the official opening of the Observatories of Teide (OT) in Tenerife and Roque de los Muchachos (ORM) in La Palma, the summits of those islands have more than 20 operating telescopes in which a large number of countries are involved. These telescopes allow observations from the microwave to gamma rays through the visible and infrared. The Gran Telescopio CANARIAS, on the ORM, is today the world's largest optical/infrared telescope. Moreover, IAC Observatories have the most complete set of solar telescopes in the world and the IAC is leading the project of the European Solar Telescope, which could also be the largest of its class. We will see some of the results obtained in solar physics, planetary systems, formation and evolution of stars and galaxies, cosmology and astroparticles. Finally, the main scientific and technological challenges that many international collaborations aim to address in the coming years from the Canarian Observatories will be exposed.

Contact: severoochoa@iac.es
Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias. C/ Via Láctea s/n 38200, La Laguna. Canary Islands. Spain.
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