Severo Ochoa Human Resources Program
The human resources program is a fundamental pillar of the Severo Ochoa Project, focussed in PhD and postdoc fellowships, reinforcing internationality and the number of additional human resources for the five major research lines at the IAC.
Every year some 20 postdocs and around 10 PhD students join the IAC for a 2-3 years period and a 4 years period respectively. Each of the Research lines of the IAC Program provide training on research-related skills, including hands-on observations using the largest telescopes and space missions, data reduction, analysis, and/or physical interpretation. Under the working plan approved to the Severo Ochoa proposal we aim to consolidate this rate of trainees.
All Severo Ochoa's Research Fellows, through their direct group leader, permanent senior staff and the SO Director, are trained in high-level research and management. The latter will be done through research project management, supervision of more junior research staff, and organising workshops and conferences, among other possibilities. Fellows and the whole research staff will benefit from the interaction with the SO Visiting Professors.
The Severo Ochoa Programme contribute to the IAC's PhD school allowing the recruitment of several new PhD students every year. Some students are hired from our local Master’s degree delivered by University of La Laguna in collaboration with the IAC, but many come from elsewhere. Applications are received from all over the world. The Severo Ochoa Programme also contribute to the professional training of the IAC personnel, specially at PhD and postdoctoral level, with specific support to international schools organized by the IAC and a new Severo Ochoa Seminar program.
More information is available at SO postdoctoral Fellowships and SO PhD grants.