Moodle installed at IAC
Moodle is a very popular course management system that can help teachers to
build quality on-line courses. It is very flexible and it can aid in
developing courses with very different on-line content and approach: from
simply storing educational content (HTML pages, PDF documents, etc.) to
highly complex courses with individualized lessons, tests, etc. This
interesting platform is now installed in the IAC external server, and anyone
can give it a try by just going to
and following its instructions (and by attending the next SIEminar, see
Next SIEminar: Introduction to Moodle, November 15th,
by Ángel de Vicente
In order to help you get started with Moodle, our next
SIEminar will be a gentle
introduction to its many features. The aim of the talk is not to turn you
into an expert Moodle user, but rather to give you the chance of
understanding how easy it can be to prepare your course to be partially
delivered on-line. We will start by simulating the case of a teacher with no
much spare time to learn a new software (most of us?), and who just wants a
simple webpage to put up some online materials. We will build up on this, and
show some other interesting features of Moodle, like on-line assignment
submission, surveys, tests, etc.
Software updates
Recently, we have updated the following software packages (in Linux):
cdsclient to v2.85;
LyX to v1.4.3;
Grace to v5.1.20;
HEAsoft to v6.1.1;
Aladin to v3.7;
Specview to v2.12.2;
SExtractor to v2.5.0.
Please note that from now on all software updates will be done only in
"Latest Advances in Computer Science" Seminar
On Friday, November 10th, the "Latest Advances in Computer
Science" Seminar will take place at the ETSII (ULL). The seminar
consists of 5 computer science talks of the utmost interest, given by
prestigious researchers in their respective fields. Further information about
this seminar can be found at
Building a Virtual Cluster with Xen (Part Two) published
In the
September Newsletter we announced
the publicaction of the first part of an article by Ángel de Vicente
explaining how to build a Virtual Cluster with Xen. The
second part of
this article saw the light during the month of October, published again in
ClusterMonkey on-line
magazine. Besides the article, Ángel has made available the complete
cluster image at, in case someone wants to try
the Virtual Cluster without all the work of following all the steps in the
article. Happy clustering!
Marta reloaded
Marta is SIE's development web server, in which for the last years we have
been building several web applications and web pages. In order to improve
its functionality we have updated marta's hardware to a Pentium 4 at 3GHz
and 1GB RAM memory, to cope with the increasing number of applications
runinng there.