A case of plagiarism

The wavelength calibration of the tunable filters of the instruments OSIRIS at GTC was uncertain when it saw first light. The equation provided in the manual was insuficcient for our needs, and we had to work out our own calibration, which was published in a PASP paper in 2011.   This paper was descredited by the OSIRIS scientific team with that arguments that ''they are based on completely erroneous optical concepts'' and ''their formulae depart from the full correct calibration''; see the image captured from the webblog of the team, 

However, they copy the optical model and the equations we derive in our paper without citing us in their MNRAS paper on the OSIRIS calibration publised in 2014. This is an image captured from their paper,

which I include to show that their equations (10) and (11) are identical to our equations (6) and (5),

Acording to the Ethical standards for the AAS Journals  (cited here because it summarizes the general agreement on what is bad practice in scientific publication) 

''Plagiarism is the act of reproducing text or other materials from other papers without properly crediting the source. Such material is regarded as being plagiarized regardless of whether it is cited literally or has been modified or paraphrased. Plagiarism represents a serious ethical breach, and may constitute legal breach of copyright if the reproduced material has been previously published.'' 


This is a link to our paper Mendez-Abreu+2011

This is a link to the paper that copies our equations without citing Gonzalez+2014

This is a link to the statement on the ethical standards for the AAS Journals that defines plagiarism 

And this is a link to the webblog of the team from which we captured the image above (March 2015)