Home Page of José Alberto Rubiño Martín

At the IAC AIV room, with QUIJOTE TFGI

I am a research professor at the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) in Tenerife (Spain).

My research interest is Cosmology, and in particular the study of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) and the Large Scale Structure of Universe. Currently, I am involved in several CMB experiments at the Teide Observatory: the QUIJOTE experiment (as Project Scientist), the TMS spectrometer (as Principal Investigator), LSPE-STRIP and GroundBird (as CoI). I am also involved in EUCLID and LiteBird

In the past, I was involved in the PLANCK satellite and the BOSS (SDSS-III) survey. I was the coordinator of the RADIOFOREGROUNDS project, and now I am the IAC representative in the RadioForegroundsPlus project. 

In addition to these observational studies, I also work in theoretical aspects of Cosmology, as the physics of the cosmological recombination, and primordial magnetic fields. You can see more details about my research interests here.

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