Future CMB projects
- LSPE-STRIP (42-90GHz). To be deployed in 2020, it consists of a 1.5m fully rotating cross-Dragone telescope coupled to an array of 49 coherent polarimeters at 42 GHz, plus 6 channels at 90 GHz as atmospheric monitor. The HEMT-based polarimeters are cooled to 20 K and use a pseudo-correlation design, each directly producing the Q and U signals. The aim is to cover about 25% of the sky with sub-degree resolution. STRIP is the ground based partner of the balloon-borne SWIPE in the LSPE project. SWIPE will observe the same sky area of STRIP, covering 140 and 220-240 GHz bands with TES bolometers. The combination of the two LSPE instruments will provide good leverage to remove polarized dust and synchrotron. The LSPE sky area also overlaps with the region observed by QUIJOTE at lower frequencies. See also the main STRIP webpage.
- GROUNDBIRD (145-220GHz). Originally conceived as a ground-based prototype for LiteBIRD, GroundBIRD is a fast-spinning (~20 rpm) small-aperture telescope with cooled optics (Oguri et al. 2016). The focal plane houses an array of ~450 pixels at 145 and 220 GHz using microwave kinetic inductance detectors (MKIDs) cooled to 0.21 K. The mirror has an aperture of 30cm and is cooled to 3.4K to suppress the radiation noise. The instrument employs a newly developed a rotary joint to pass through the high-pressure He gas while allowing fast rotation. The dome is already installed at the Observatory, and the telescope will be deployed in summer 2019.
- ELFS (European Low Frequency Survey). As part of the European Roadmap for future CMB experiments (https://wiki.e-cmb.org/), we are planning for an European Low Frequency Survey (10-120GHz) in the mid-term (2027). Within the context of B-mode polarization experiments, to model the polarised synchrotron and AME foregrounds at least to the level of being able to clean angular scales of the second (recombination) bump, a minimum frequency of 5-10GHz, and two 6-m class telescopes (one in each hemisphere) are needed to obtain the appropriate resolution at low frequencies (~20arcmin at 10GHz). See presentation by Rubino-Martin in the Florence 2018 meeting. This strategy is complementary to CMB-S4 in southern sky. Within this context, the CMB group at the IAC aims to install one of these 6-m class telescopes in Tenerife (see plans along this line).