The Catalogue

The catalogue provides information for each MILES star, as well as an individual link to its corresponding FITS spectrum. The last column of the table shows those stars in common with the Ca II triplet stellar library (indicated by their corresponding ID number in that library).

MILES numbers stars are assigned by the increasing RA(J2000). Spectral types and atmospheric parameters (Teff, logg and [Fe/H]) are those given in the Paper II of the MILES series (see papers). Stars in common with other optical stellar libraries are indicated in the "Libraries" column with the following codes: "L" (Lick/IDS; Gorgas et al. 1993, Worthey et al. 1994), "J" (Jones 1997), "S" (STELIB; Le Borgne et al. 2003), "E" (ELODIE; Prugniel & Soubiran 2004) and "I" (INDO-US; Valdes et al. 2004).

An ASCII version of the catalogue can be downloaded from here.

[f] = Field;  [c] = Cluster

985 entries in total First Previous | Page 45 of 50 | Next Last     Ordered by RA 0h < RA < 24h -90° < Dec < 90° Change
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h < RA  < h
° < Dec < °
* is wildcard.
Ex.: HD05*, *05077*

Name RA Dec E(B-V) SpT Teff logg [Fe/H] Vmag Libs CaT #
HD205153 [f] 21:34:09.1-27:54:04.30.025G0 IV59473.7-0.028.19L615
HD205512 [f] 21:34:46.6+38:32:02.80K1 III46342.570.034.877J I E617
HD206078 [f] 21:37:10.3+62:18:15.10.002G8 III46582.87-0.487.17J I619
HD206165 [f] 21:37:55.2+62:04:54.80.47B2 Ib177602.65-0.334.788I E620
HD206952 [f] 21:41:55.2+71:18:410K0III46642.330.144.544J I0
HD206453 [f] 21:42:39.6-18:51:58.70.033G8III50923.12-0.54.738J I0
HD207130 [f] 21:43:04.1+72:19:12.40.01K0III47332.64-0.055.182J I E0
HD206826 [f] 21:44:08.6+28:44:34.40F6V63004.32-0.224.6930
HD206778 [f] 21:44:11.3+09:52:300.287K2Ibvar44611.20.042.404E0
HD207260 [f] 21:45:26.9+61:07:14.90.033A2 Ia94502.0904.312L623
HD207076 [f] 21:46:31.9-02:12:45.90.027M7 III2750006.78L621
HD207330 [f] 21:46:47.5+49:18:34.60.1B3III183513.49-0.14.18I0
HD207222 [f] 21:46:56.2+21:17:50.60.057A085423.5-1.158.60
HD207673 [f] 21:49:40.1+41:08:55.70A2 Ib90711.39-0.086.492624
HD208501 [f] 21:54:53+56:36:40.30.78B8 Ib122002.205.81I626
HD208906 [f] 21:58:40.8+29:48:45.40F8 V-VI59654.2-0.746.94L I E627
HD209369 [f] 21:59:14.9+73:10:47.60F5V62883.9-0.285.0470
HD209459 [f] 22:03:19+11:23:11.80.052B9.5V104753.5-0.155.824E0
HD209975 [f] 22:05:08.9+62:16:47.30.3908 Ib302743.30.35.11E630
HD210295 [f] 22:09:41.5-13:36:19.40G847692.2-1.399.59I632