
BayesClumpy is a computer program that can be used for the fast synthesis of spectral energy distributions (SED) emerging from clumpy dusty torus models developed by the Kentucky group and for the inference of physical parameters from observed SEDs. The fast synthesis is accomplished by using machine learning tools that learn the database of models. The fundamental advantage of the code is that these fast synthesis capabilities are used in a Bayesian scheme for carrying out inference over the model parameters for observed SED. The code is written in standard Fortran 90 and IDL. A front-end coded in IDL is given as a part of the distribution in order to facilitate a user-friendly execution of the program.


BayesClumpy can be downloaded here. Follow the steps in the manual after decompressing the file to compile the code. You need a Fortran 90 compiler. It has been tested in Intel Fortran Compiler and the free gfortran.


Although the codes can be run in command line by modifying by hand the input file, BayesClumpy contains also a user friendly front-end (GUI) for the simple execution and analysis of the results.