Download seminars
Here you can find the slides of the regular seminars in the group.
- "HELIO - All the Heliosphere in your hands", David Pérez-Suárez (Trinity College Dublin) & the HELIO-Team
- "Tutorial on Bayesian techniques for inference", Andrés Asensio Ramos (IAC)
- "MHD Evolution of null points in 2D and 3D towards an MHS equilibrium", Jorge Fuentes (Univ St Andrews)
- "Heating of the magnetized solar chromosphere by partial ionization effects", Elena Khomenko & Manuel Collados (IAC)
- "Flow fields in and around sunspots and pores", Meetu Verma (Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam)
- "An active region filament studied simultaneously in the chromosphere and photosphere", Christoph Kuckein (IAC)