XXXI Canary Islands Winter School of Astrophysics
The XXXI Canary Islands Winter School of Astrophysics, organized by the IAC, focusses on Computational Fluid Dynamics in Astrophysics.
Starting date: 19 Nov, 2019
End date: 28 Nov, 2019
Location: Salón de Actos of the Aulario General del Campus de Guajara, University of La Laguna (ULL). San Cristóbal de La Laguna.
Organizer: IAC
The primary aim of the School is to contribute to the education of the next generation of theoretical astrophysicists in the methods of computational fluid dynamics and practices in high-performance super-computing. The school will include lectures, hands-on exercises, tutorials and seminars.
We will provide a comprehensive overview of applications of computational fluid dynamics over a large range of astrophysical scales and a detailed description of the numerical algorithms employed. By the end of the school, the students will have a broad knowledge of numerical techniques and practical experience with parallel codes, supercomputers and data formats. Students will be in contact with researchers working on different astrophysical problems and using similar numerical techniques, in order to foster inter-collaboration among different fields of research.
Participants of the Winter School will have the opportunity to display their current work by presenting a poster.
Given its broad scope, the school is addressed to students in any research field in astrophysics, and using different kinds of numerical algorithms and codes.
More information: XXXI Canary Islands Winter School of Astrophysics