Seminario Severo Ochoa por el Dr. Evan Skillman
El jueves 1 de octubre, el Dr. Evan Skillman, Director del Minnesota Institute for Astrophysics en la Universidad de Minnesota (EEUU), impartirá un Seminario Severo Ochoa titulado Reionization and Dwarf Galaxies.
Inicio: 1 Oct, 2015, 10:30h
Finalización: 1 Oct, 2015, 12:00h
Lugar: Aula, Sede Central del IAC, Tenerife.
Organizador: Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias
The epoch of reionization has been predicted to leave an imprint on the star formation histories of dwarf galaxies. I will briefly review theoretical ideas and observational constraints on reionization. I will then discuss the predicted effects on the evolution of dwarf galaxies. This will be followed by a discussion of tests using star formation histories of nearby dwarf galaxies.