VOCES interview with Debra and Bruce Elmegreen
In the universe nothing is stationary. All of its components move, and occasionally merge. These processes affect atoms and galaxies, and also affect people. In astronomical research one of the most fertile mergers occurred 40 years ago between two excellent scientists Bruce G. Elmegreen and Debra M. Elmegreen.
As well as husband and wife, they are also one of the most important couples in contemporary Astrophysics. They not only share their lives but also have common scientific interests: they are among the world’s leading experts in the formation and evolution of galaxies. Bruce is a researcher in the Physical Science Department of the IBM Research Division, and is particularly interested in theoretical studies and the design of models for simulations.
Debra is Professor of Astronomy at the prestigious Vassar College. As well as teaching up to five courses per year and being an active member of a large number of scientific associations and institutions, Debra is an observational astronomer, specializing in galaxies, at wavelengths which range from the near infrared to radio. The success of the Elmegreens’ research is proof that, just as mergers between galaxies are crucial for the development of the universe, when two people fuse their talents and imaginations knowledge advances more rapidly.
Bruce and Debra Elmegreen collaborate on a regular basis with several research groups at the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC). Towards the end of 2014 they worked for a period at the IAC within the“Visiting Scholars Programme” of the Jesús Serra Foundation.
"Voces" (voices) interview: Voces - Debra and Bruce Elmegreen