The IAC Severo Ochoa Program is led by the Scientific Director (Prof. Rafael Rebolo), who chairs a Severo Ochoa Coordination Committee consisting of the PIs of the 5 groups responsible of the Research Program and the Head of the Research Division (Prof. Johan Knapen), who will act as adjunct Director of the Program. This Coordination Board will take all strategic decisions on the Program and will meet regularly.
The Management of the Program has been assigned to the “Institutional Projects and Transfer of Knowledge Office (OTRI)”, which depends on the Director´s Office, with wide experience on strategic projects´ management at international level.
The Outreach activities related to the Severo Ochoa Programme are carried out in collaboration with the "Communication and Scientific Culture Unit" of the IAC.
The monitoring of the IAC Severo Ochoa Program will be undertaken by the IAC Steering Committee and by an External Advisory Board consisting of 5 senior international experts in the research fields of the Programme.
The Severo Ochoa project commits important resources to hire excellent scientists (PhD and postdocs) and engineers with the common goal of enhancing the Research Program of the IAC:
Severo Ochoa Advanced Research Fellows, young but exceptional researchers with outstanding careers in any of the 5 key areas of the Research Program, with a status comparable to the Spanish Ramon y Cajal Fellows for leadership in research and PhD co-supervision, and other Severo Ochoa postdoctoral Fellows, who are all enhancing the groups working on the 5 Severo Ochoa key areas.
Engineers, who are joining the groups in the Technology Division that are developing the projects aligned with the key objectives of the Research Program.
Severo Ochoa PhD students, who will take advantage of the enhanced training potential of both, the IAC personnel at the Research and Technology Divisions and the Visiting Professors.