Carme Gallart
Dates of the visit: 02/07/2015 to 30/07/2015.
Research line: Formation and Evolution of Galaxies
Institution visited: Royal Observatory of Edinburgh (UK).
Dr. Gallart is collaborating with Prof. Annette Ferguson and Dr. Edouard Bernard on the study of the stellar populations in the Magellanic Clouds and in M33.
Dr. Gallart is staff member at the IAC. She is the representative scientist on the Severo Ochoa Committee of the Severo Ochoa research program on Galaxy Formation and Evolution. She is senior researcher of the project Late Type Galaxies in the Local Universe (P/301204) (Project website).
Her main research topic is the formation and evolution of galaxies, from the study of the resolved stellar population in nearby galaxies. Her current research is focused on the study of the star formation histories of Local Group dwarf galaxies mainly from observations obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope, and of the Magellanic Clouds, from wide field observations from the ground. Additionally, she is using the Gran Telescopio de Canarias to study the Local Group dwarf spiral galaxy M33.
The specific goal of her visit to the Royal Observatory of Edinburgh (UK) is to deepen in some aspects of the scientific exploitation of the large project SMASH (Survey of the Magellanic Stellar History), which has obtained over 30 nights of observing time on the CTIO 4m telescope with DECam. In particular, she will work with Dr. Bernard on the optimization of the procedures that will be used to obtain star formation histories over the full bodies of the Magellanic Clouds using SMASH data. With Prof. Ferguson, she will explore possible collaborations for the study of M33 and other Local Group galaxies.